
a TAPR Modular Scientific Software Defined Radio Project


Magnetometer/Sensor Module

Project Leader: Dave KD0EAG

The Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) Magnetometer Module provides 3-axis magnetic field measurements for input to the PSWS Tangerine SDR Data Engine (DE) module. It consists of 3 modules:

  1. A magnetometer measurement module: PNI Sensor RM-3100.
  2. A local range extender module.
  3. A remote range extender module.

The measurement module is an assembled and tested module made by PNI Sensor Inc., model RM-3100. This module can use I2C or SPI to interface to a computer. It will need to be remotely mounted away from the space weather station to avoid distortion of the magnetic field by nearby metallic objects. For this project the I2C interface will be utilized.

Magnetometer diagram

The local extender module plugs onto to the Tangerine SDR Data Engine module and provides a means to extend the I2C interface and power through a cable to the remote range extender module. It sources low-voltage current-limited DC power and two differential signals (SDA and SCL) on an external cable to the remote module. It provides ESD protection on the cable interface.

The remote range extender module terminates the cable coming from the local range extender module, derives and regulates received power, terminates the extended I2C connection from the cable, and provides a socket for the measurement module to plug onto. The two receivers in each direction will be terminated in 100 ohms (the nominal characteristic differential impedance of each twisted pair).

A module designed for the parts of the Personal Space Weather Station that are not traditionally radio based observations. These include:

A three axis magnetometer that communicates fluctation in the earth magnetic field at a specific location. This data with the collection of data will help to dicribt the fine scale fluctions in the earths magnetoshere.

Temperature Sensor
A sensor to report the ambient temperature on the board. This is not because of electronic heat but ambient temperature may be needed for measurement corrections.

DCC2020 TangerineSDR Magnetometer Talk
DCC2020 TangerineSDR Magnetometer Slides


The current design document can be found in the Documents page for the projects.

TSDR-MAG-REQ_TangerineSDR_Magnetometer_V0.4.1 Magnetometer Requirements Document.

TSDR_MAG_ICD_TangerineSDR_Magnetometer_V0.1.1 Magnetometer Interface Document.

Prototype Images

Magnetometer prototype
The Magnetometer Prototype as of March, 2020, photo by David Larsen


The Magnetometer code can be found at this repository: github.com/wittend/rm3100-runMag

In the doc directory has several document that will help setup the boards.



HamSci2023 TangerineSDR Magnetometer Flyer (Updated 3/14/2023)

Allied Organizations

HamSci Personal Space Weather Station

© 2019, 2020, 2021 Maintained by KVØS

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.