Project Components
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Code Links
Working Documents
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Project Status
Code Sources
At the moment, we do not have unified code to run a complete system. We have component in different
stages of development. There is testing code for some of the components. I also link to other project
that may of the developer on this project have participated in and we will leverage these software as applicable.
TangerineSDR specific Code
- TangerineSDR pi notes
- Personal Space Weather Station code for the station based on Flask written by Bill Engelke, AB4EJ
OpenHPSDR.org website
High Performance Software Defined Radio (HPSDR) Project affiliated with TAPR
Github with FPGA verilog code for the openHPSDR Radios written by Phil Harmon, VK6PH
OpenHPSDR WDSP Digital Signal Processing Library C# windows only
Github with wdsp a Digital Signal Processing library C# for the openHPSDR Radios written by Warren Pratt, NRØV
OpenHPSDR WDSP Digital Signal Processing Library C (Modified from above)
Github with wdsp a Digital Signal Processing library C for the openHPSDR Radios Modified by John Melton, GØORX
Github with Linux, MacOS Radio program in C for the openHPSDR Radios written by John Melton, GØORX
OpenHPSDR Programmer
Github with cross platform FPGA programmer for the openHPSDR Radios written by Dave Larsen, KVØS
Github with GNURadio module for the openHPSDR Radios written by Tom McDermott, N5EG
GNSS Resource Code
RTKlib Main Non-Propritary for program for use in RTK GPS analysis
Recommend by John Ackermann, N8UR
Other code useful in our development
Allied Organizations
© 2020, 2021 Maintained by KVØS
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.